Friday, May 1, 2015

Buck The System

Sometimes, you just gotta "Buck the System"... Last week I got a not so-friendly reminder from my HOA that some of the trees on my property were not the prescribed 6 feet in height as is required by our bylaws, and that I had a couple of weeks to promptly take care of it. 

Begrudgingly, I went out to my garage, cranked up my chainsaw and proceeded to the suspect trees that dared to dangle their branches below the specified height dictated by my most observant HOA friends and neighbors. 

As I proceeded to trim, I noticed that on one low-hanging branch, a morning dove had decided to build her nest there, and although the noise of my chainsaw scared her away momentarily, I made an immediate decision that the "Needs of the One (Morning Dove) Outweigh the Needs of the Many (HOA)" in this particular case and left her branch intact for now until her little family was raised. 

I may get another "Nasty-Gram" in the mail in a few weeks, but I don't think they will lock me up anytime too soon.......

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