Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Summer Challenge

Want to get your kids off the couch and interested in nature and the great outdoors? Challenge them to an end of summer scavenger hunt to find and to identify some of these native Texas "Green" colored critters of which may be found right in their very own backyards should they only be observant enough to see them.

Obviously, there should be a strong emphasis as to NOT to DISTURB them, as that would equate to a violation of the challenge! Have them either take a picture or simply document what they saw with a quick drawing, description, and location (artistic skills not required).

All the wildlife images in this "Green Collage" were taken within and around the city of Fort Worth, so although it may be hot outside if you make it fun for them, you might just ignite the hidden naturalist in them, and then they just might end up someday hosting a show on National Geographic :)

Happy Trails,

P.S. Pics are 1) Green Anole, 2)Green Darner Dragonfly, 3)Green Lynx Spider, 4)Rough Green Snake, 5) Metallic Green Sweat Bee, 6) American Green Tree Frog

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